GlobalSign SSL

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Tüm Sertifikaları Göster

Tek Web Sitesi için SSL

Sertifika seçenekleriniz:

Etki Alanı Doğrulamalı


  • Dakikalar içinde yayınlanır,
    evrak gerektirmez!
  • Kişisel web siteleri, bloglar
    & sosyal medya için ideal

Kurum Doğrulamalı


  • Sertifika içeriğinde
    kurum kimliğini barındırır
  • Kurumsal web siteleri için ideal

Genişletilmiş Doğrulamalı


  • Tarayıcıda yeşil adres çubuğu &
    kurum adı görüntülenir
  • E-ticaret siteleri için ideal

Birden çok Web Sites için SSL

Doğrulama tipini seçiniz:

Etki Alanı Doğrulamalı


  • Dakikalar içinde yayınlanır,
    evrak gerektirmez!
  • Kişisel web siteleri, bloglar
    & sosyal medya için ideal

Kurum Doğrulamalı


  • Sertifika içeriğinde
    kurum kimliğini barındırır
  • Kurumsal web siteleri için ideal

Genişletilmiş Doğrulamalı


  • Tarayıcıda yeşil adres çubuğu &
    kurum adı görüntülenir
  • E-ticaret siteleri için ideal

Birden Çok Alt Alan İçin SSL

Sertifika seçenekleriniz:

Etki Alanı Doğrulamalı


  • Dakikalar içinde yayınlanır,
    evrak gerektirmez!
  • Kişisel web siteleri, bloglar
    & sosyal medya için ideal

Kurum Doğrulamalı


  • Sertifika içeriğinde
    kurum kimliğini barındırır
  • Kurumlar için ideal

Gizlilik & Güvenlik = Güven

GlobalSign'ın SSL Sertifikaları, web sitenizin korunmasını sağlamak ve günümüzün modern
web sitelerinin taleplerini karşılamak için en güçlü şifreleme ve katma değer özelliklerini sunar.
Müşteriler ve sitenizin ziyaretçileri, göz atma oturumlarının güvende olduğunu ve
ödeme ayrıntılarının ve kişisel bilgilerin güvenli ve şifrelenerek tutulacağını bilecektir.

En güçlü &
En hızlı SSL
GlobalSign, SHA-256 ve 2048 bitlik RSA anahtarlarını kullanarak en güçlü SSL şifrelemesini sağlar; ayrıca ECC desteği de sunarız.
Cihaz Desteği
GlobalSign SSL, her popüler tarayıcı, uygulama ve cihaz tarafından güvenilirdir. Ziyaretçiler hangi cihazı kullanıyor olursa olsun,
SSL güvenliğinize otomatik olarak güvenirler.
Akredite edilmiş
Güvenlik Denetimleri
2001 yılından beri WebTrust tarafından akredite edilmiş CA ve bugüne kadar dünya genelinde yayınlanan 2.5 milyonun üzerinde sertifikayla 1996'dan beri güvenilir SSL Sertifikaları yayınlamaktadır.
Ücretsiz SSL
CSR üretimi (AutoCSR), SSL kurulumu (SSL Sunucu Testi) ve SSL Yönetimi (CIT) ile yardımcı olacak ücretsiz araçlar.
Sınıfında en iyi
Dünya çapında ofisleri ve yerel dil desteği sayesinde, SSL desteği için gurur duyduğumuz mükemmel bir üne sahibiz.
Maliyet Tasarrufu&
Uygun Özellikler
Başkalarının sizin için istediğiniz sayıda sunucudaki kurulum dahil olmak üzere ücretlendirdiği özellikler ile ve için aynı sertifikayı kullanma gibi premium özellikleri ücretsiz alın.

Tüm Sertifikaları Göster


DomainSSL, GlobalSign SSL'yi eşsiz kılan katma değer özelliklerinden hiçbirini feda etmeden web sitenizi güvence altına almak için ekonomik, hızlı ve uygulanması kolay bir seçenek sunar.


OrganizationSSL, web sitenizin alan doğrulamalı SSL Sertifikalarına oranla güvenilirliğini daha fazla artıran kurum doğrulamalı bir sertifikadır. OrganizationSSL, tarayıcı asma kilidini ve https'ü etkinleştirir, kurumsal kimliğinizi gösterir ve müşterilerinize, güvenliği çok ciddiye aldığınızı garanti eder.


ExtendedSSL, kuruluş veya alan adı onaylı SSL Sertifikası ile karşılaştırıldığında web sitenize daha fazla güvenilirlik katmaktadır. ExtendedSSL, tarayıcı adres çubuğunu yeşil renge döndürmek ve kuruluşunuzun adını görüntülemek gibi belirgin güvenlik göstergelerinin görüntülenmesine ek olarak, bir dizi benzersiz katma değer özelliği barındırır

Wildcard SSL

* için bir Wildcard SSL Sertifikası yayınlanır ve bu sertifika sınırsız sayıda alt alanlarda ve sınırsız sayıda sunucuda kullanılabilir. Sertifikanın bir defalık maliyeti, ileride ekleyebileceğiniz ek alt alanlar veya sunucular için sizi kapsar.


Genellikle SAN Sertifikaları olarak adlandırılan çoklu alan sertifikası, yalnızca bir SSL Sertifikası kullanarak 100 farklı alan adı, alt alan adı ve genel IP adresini güvence altına almak ve Sertifikayı barındırması için yalnızca bir IP gerektirecek şekilde Konu Alternatif Adlarını (SAN'lar) kullanır.


SSL Sertifikası Nedir?

SSL Sertifikaları, bir şifreleme anahtarını kuruluşun ayrıntılarına dijital olarak bağlayan küçük veri dosyalarıdır. Bir web sunucusuna kurulduğunda, asma kilidi ve https protokolünü (443 numaralı bağlantı noktası üzerinden) etkinleştirir ve bir web sunucusundan bir tarayıcıya güvenli bağlantılar sağlar.

Neden SSL Sertifikasına ihtiyacım var?

SSL Sertifikaları, internetin önemli bir parçasıdır. Bilgisayarınızla bir web sitesinin bulunduğu sunucu arasındaki iletişimi şifrelemekle kalmaz, aynı zamanda bir sitenin iddia ettiği gibi bir doğrulama sağlarlar.

Farklı SSL türleri nelerdir?

Çoğu SSL Sertifikası genellikle üç farklı düzeydeki doğrulama seviyesi üzerine kurulmuştur. Etki Alanı Doğrulamalı (DV), Kurum Doğrulamaı (OV) ve Genişletilmiş Doğrulamalı (EV). Bu sertifikalardaki en büyük fark Sertifika Yetkilisinin, GlobalSign'ın hangi belgeyi vermek için onayladığı bilgileri içermektedir. Sonra sertifika ve tarayıcı çubuğunda farklı bilgiler görüntülenir. Örneğin, EV SSL, tarayıcı çubuğunu yeşil renkte çevirir ve kuruluş bilgisini doğrudan tarayıcı çubuğunda görüntüler.

Daha fazla bilgi

GlobalSign Yorumlar:

4.8 / 5 (63 reviews)
GlobalSign product review:
5 / 5
It's just easy

It's just easy and simple to work with / order from Globalsign.


GlobalSign product review:
5 / 5
Quick renewals

I appreciate how quick the renewal process is.


GlobalSign product review:
5 / 5
Quick and easy

The process was easy and we had the new cert activated within a few minutes!


GlobalSign product review:
5 / 5
Keep up the great work!

Very efficient. Great communication emails. Always know the status of my order. Keep up the great work!


GlobalSign product review:
5 / 5
Super Fast!

Super fast tracking for certificate creation. Very fast obtaining of it. Perfect.


GlobalSign product review:
5 / 5
Good care

Good care and concern for your customers.


GlobalSign product review:
5 / 5
Thanks Chris Page!

Chris Page was helpful, friendly, patient and is the reason I would highly recommend your services.


GlobalSign product review:
5 / 5
Thanks Alice!

Alix Olcott provided me with outstanding customer support service. I don't recall receiving similar level of support from any other vendor.


GlobalSign product review:
5 / 5
FDA Certificates

Of the three options suggested by the FDA, yours was the one that only one providing immediate and clear instructions for what I needed. Also, the help files helped me navigate through the FDA enrollment process.


GlobalSign product review:
4 / 5
Very quick response.

The certificate has been renewed within minutes. Helpdesk (Chat) is also responsive. Thanks!


GlobalSign product review:
4 / 5

You guys were very helpful, thanks


GlobalSign product review:
5 / 5
Really Helpful

You guys are easy to work with and very helpful. I really appreciate that you took the time to explain the differences between a regular and EV certificate so I could make the best decision for our company.


GlobalSign product review:
4 / 5

Simple, quick process for SSL certs


GlobalSign product review:
5 / 5
Thanks Gaurav

Gaurav from your team was very helpful in getting us onbaord on record time. After getting us onboard, he also made sure that we were able to successfully update our SSL certificate across servers. Am more than happy to recommend anyone. Thanks Gaurav


GlobalSign product review:
5 / 5
Professional and Competent

Both times I have had a need to call for support, GlobalSign has provided such support in a professional and very competent manner. Support like GlobalSign offers is invaluable in my opinion and the main reason I continue to do business and recommend GS to colleagues.


GlobalSign product review:
4 / 5
Good Product

Administration of tokens is great. Do not like the admin certificate process and having to only use IE. Seems like it could be updated to HTML5 protocols and security.


GlobalSign product review:
5 / 5
Very Happy

I am very happy with your quick service and all customer service team doing great job to resolve issue .


GlobalSign product review:
5 / 5

I'd recommend Chris Page- he really is brilliant with me. This area isn't my forte, but he always explains it in simple language and promptly responds to my questions.


GlobalSign product review:
4 / 5

The whole process of security for electronic transmissions has become so complex. It is fortunate that your tech support is available for assistance. Please keep remembering that many of your customers are neophytes and have NO knowledge of programs and the technical steps to enable programs. We need to be led by the hand thru the process.


GlobalSign product review:
5 / 5
Very Helpful

Edmund and especially Sanne (as I mainly dealt with Sanne) were both very helpful and did a great job in helping me to get through the vetting and ultimately obtain the certificate we required.


GlobalSign product review:
5 / 5
I still find SSL wizardry!

I dont think the instructions for Java keystores are comprehensive enough. it turned out after 2 hours that all i needed to do was change the handle on the pem file to CSR in order to upload into my keystore. I really think step by step instructions on how to generate the certificate, keystore and then install all three certificates in Java would be helpful. The naming conventions just appear all over the shop when it comes to endings, file types etc etc. Anyway got their in the end and its not as hard as it first looks.


GlobalSign product review:
5 / 5
Going the extra mile

I dealt with Sarah Mizzoni and all I can say is that the service I received from Sarah was second to none. Sarah couldn't have been for informative and helpful and I believe she went the extra mile to help me out.


GlobalSign product review:
5 / 5

I was happy with everything. the level of technical support including. thank you from


GlobalSign product review:
5 / 5
Very Good

quick efficient service


GlobalSign product review:
5 / 5
Thank you!

I'm very impressed of professional approach of Ms.Hanna Beeby and will recommend GlobalSign company to my partners.


GlobalSign product review:
5 / 5
Excellent Work!

We're just in the process of ordering so cannot comment yet on ease of management etc. However, Chris Page of GlobalSign has been more than helpful. Our situation was slightly unusual in that we were taking over a piece of software from another supplier and needed to start signing it with a different cert. Chris made it all simple and is even managing the timing of the switchover for us. Very satisfied at this point.


GlobalSign product review:
5 / 5
Very good

I got a sponsored certificate for my open source project. Everything except a litte bug was perfect but I got very fast support and a developer solved the problem very fast. Very good service!


GlobalSign product review:
5 / 5
A very fast and helpful solution!

Thanks again for this fast and helpful solution! It's a pleasure to work with GlobalSign and it looks like we made a good choice!


GlobalSign product review:
5 / 5
Great Support

Great support and secure services!


GlobalSign product review:
5 / 5
Great Service and Support

I like the ease of use but, most of all, the support service is EXCELLENT!!!!


GlobalSign product review:
5 / 5
Fast and Easy

We've just renewed our SSL certificate from GlobalSign SSL in less than 10 minutes \o/. Thank you to GlobalSign SSL for another free SSL certificate. Supporting ‪#‎opensource software.


GlobalSign product review:
5 / 5
Great Process, Easy Support!

The online process is pretty streamlined, but it's nice to be able to talk to a person when you need to.


GlobalSign product review:
5 / 5
Full Language Support

Thanks for providing a support in French language


GlobalSign product review:
5 / 5
Really Appreciated the Support

Daniel Genadiev went above and beyond to help us with our request. We will use SSL24 again because of this.


GlobalSign product review:
4 / 5
Great Technical Support

I had some issues with the registration (as I forgot the pick-up password) and the technical support helped me out very fast and nicely. I appreciate that.


GlobalSign product review:
5 / 5
Very User Friendly

Very user friendly. And the one question I did have, there was a very nice person on the chat feature that was extremely helpful


GlobalSign product review:
5 / 5
Great Service!

The customer services staff, and vetting team in particular, were incredibly helpful and went well beyond normal expectations by getting the renewal issued as quickly as they did.


GlobalSign product review:
5 / 5
Excellent Service

It's not often that I'm positively taken aback by Service and Support, but in the case of a wildcard SSL certificate through GlobalSign, I was. Maya was extremely polite, friendly, efficient and went the extra mile to advise, assist in the purchase, sort out some minor issues and provide implementation feedback. Maya facilitated the vetting and setup process with Sarah, and despite heavy timezone differences were extremely helpful in getting us sorted out. Excellent, Professional and Fast! Service at it's Best.


GlobalSign product review:
5 / 5
Long Time Customer

I knew Globalsign between 2000-2005 (don't recall excactly) and used your services since then.


GlobalSign product review:
5 / 5
Kind and fast help

We had some problems which were very quickly solved by a very helpful and patient person on the phone who guided us step by step through the solution. After sending an email with some questions, I got called back almost immediately. Thumbs up!


GlobalSign product review:
4 / 5
Some Minor Issues

I have had a few issues along the way but was able to work them out with the help of your support team. They were very patient and knowledgeable.


GlobalSign product review:
5 / 5
Thank You

Thank you for having a procedure on file to take care of customers who don't yet support SHA256.


GlobalSign product review:
5 / 5
Outstanding Customer Service

Customer service was outstanding and immediately worked with me to resolve an issue I was having.


GlobalSign product review:
5 / 5
Great Support Team

I have had a few issues along the way but was able to work them out with the help of your support team. They were very patient and knowledgeable.


GlobalSign product review:
5 / 5
Very Thorough and Helpful Team

I contacted Cosmo Pallazola for assistance. He was very thorough and helpful


GlobalSign product review:
5 / 5
Everything Went Great

Experience was courteous, clean and I remained well informed during the vetting process, all good


GlobalSign product review:
5 / 5
Very Satisfied

GlobalSign is always there for us, very satisfied.


GlobalSign product review:
4 / 5
Installation Process Complicated

The installation procedure is far more complicated than it should be. This is the entire reason for the 4 rating instead of the 5 rating.


GlobalSign product review:
5 / 5
Over the Top Service and Support

Service and support was over the top fantastic. We needed expedited shipping and vetting through delays on our end and the support team made it happen.


GlobalSign product review:
5 / 5
I trust GlobalSign

Whenever I need to get a new SSL certificate, renew a certificate, or make a change to an existing certificate, the process is always easy to understand and fast to turn around.


GlobalSign product review:
5 / 5
Nothing Better

In my experience the service I received was flawless so I am struggling to think how the service can be improved!


GlobalSign product review:
5 / 5
Thanks for Your Support

Many kind of papers but I understand that this is the part of the process, so everything is ok with me. Thanks for your support.


GlobalSign product review:
4 / 5
Quite fast

The response is quite fast and the support is good.


GlobalSign product review:
5 / 5
Very Happy Customer

I am very happy with the level of service I get from Globalsign


GlobalSign product review:
5 / 5
Good Support

Everything is good specially the support very good unlikely to see some where else.


GlobalSign product review:
5 / 5
First Time SSL User

Easy to use and instructions were easy to follow especially for someone like me who was setting up SSL for the first time.


GlobalSign product review:
5 / 5
Professional Help

I always got a professional helpful answer from you, I am really appreciate it.


GlobalSign product review:
3 / 5
Good Experience

Good experience. Had to Chat with technician to understand the procedure for installing the Certificate onto a Cisco ASA Firewall and the need to install the Root, Intermediate and Domain Cert. he was very helpful.


GlobalSign product review:
5 / 5
Quick Response

I received a very quick response to my inquiry, which was forwarded to a team to resolve. The person who contacted me was really helpful and ensured I had everything I needed. I couldn't have asked for better service from everyone I dealt with in Globalsign.


GlobalSign product review:
5 / 5
Very Helpful

Hi, it was very helpful to have a knowlegable live chat person help with my question. Your online resources we spot on and also very very helpful.


GlobalSign product review:
5 / 5
Great User Interface

My experience with GlobalSign was great. The user interface is very easy to use and the directions are easy to follow. Additionally, if I had any questions, there is plenty of support and FAQs available at any given time.


GlobalSign product review:
5 / 5
Customer Service

Your customer service is outstanding. I really appreciate Alex Walnick.


GlobalSign product review:
5 / 5
Great Customer Service

Greg went above and beyond for support expectations by understanding the issue and handling it with efficiency.


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    SSL Sertifikası

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    Dijital Kimlikler

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Hangi sertifikaya ihtiyacınız olduğundan emin değil misiniz? Yardım için buradayız: +90 212 266 8930