Sunucu tipinizi seçin
GlobalSign SSL Certificates are compatible with all server types and trusted by all browsers and devices. We've highlighted the most popular web and mail servers for easy access to appropriate SSL product choices and installation instructions.
All GlobalSign SSL Certificates can be installed on an unlimited number of servers without needing additional paid licenses, and offer the strongest SSL security available. Applying for, and installing, SSL is usually straightforward but should you need help, just use the Live Chat or call us - we'll be happy to help!

Microsoft IIS
Enable secure connections to websites hosted by Microsoft IIS
We have developed many useful walkthroughs and FAQs to assist customers using SSL on IIS, and please contact us if you have any specific questions.
SSL Certificates appropriate for IIS | Microsoft IIS SSL Tech Support

Apache HTTP Server
Enable secure connections to websites hosted by Apache
Apache is the most popular HTTP server software in use. Apache uses OpenSSL to control the SSL configurations and our Tech support pages offer walkthroughs, FAQs and troubleshooting guides for all levels of OpenSSL understanding. Call us if you need help!
SSL Certificates appropriate for Apache | Apache Tech SSL Support

Enable secure connections to websites hosted by Tomcat
Tomcat is a Java based webserver using the Java keytools. To configure SSL on Tomcat, please review our Tech Support pages. Please contact technical support for assistance.
SSL Certificates appropriate for Tomcat | Tomcat Tech SSL Support

Microsoft Exchange
Enable secure connections to websites hosted by Microsoft Exchange Server
GlobalSign is one of the few Certificate Authorities recommended for use by Microsoft when using SSL on Exchange. Review our tech support documents and how-to guides and if you need help, please contact us.
SSL Certificates appropriate for Exchange | Exchange Tech SSL Support